Art Club - Offers visual art experiences for both the serious art student as well as the student who just wants to enjoy and appreciate art. Art club is open to all students of different abilities. Advisor - Ms. Chang, Room 217. Google classroom code is : pzx5di
Asian Club
Asian Students Association (or Students for Asian Cultural Awareness)- The Asian Student Association is an inclusive and safe space for Asian and Non Asian students to build cross- cultural understanding and relationships. Student members of this group plan and organize activities that celebrate Asian and Asian American cultures. The Association is open to all students who wish to learn more about Asian and American Cultures. Club activities are run by the student officers and include Asian American Film Festival, Trivia Night, Community Service Project, Guest speakers, Cross Club activities, and Asian American History Month. Advisor - Ms. Chang, Room 217. Google Classroom Code is: eiurve2
Multicultural Club
Multicultural/Humans of BHS Club: Our members celebrate students’ cultural differences, plan community-building events such as Culture Fest and game nights, post-Instagram stories that highlight the diversity within our community, and advocate for social justice and equity in BHS and beyond. Check out our Instagram page: multihumansofburlma. Classroom code: 64k2ylx. Open to all students. Advisors - Ms. Chang, Room 217, Ms Crossman, Room 303.