![]() In order to complete the next drawing assignment you will need to spend 1-2 class periods setting up the still life, light source and using a viewfinder. In our critique we discussed the key components to selecting and creating successful compositions. Please read the following: http://www2.waterforduhs.k12.wi.us/staffweb/art/Syllabus%20Pages/CompositionExamples.htm Spend today setting up your still life and reflective objects. I would like to see 4-6 composition sketches by Monday. Be prepared to explain your decision and compositional sketches in a group critique. Read the post on the home page. Of the various habits which ones do you need to develop? Why? Be prepared to discuss and review this chart.
![]() Today you need to take out all of your drawings- still life and self portraits and complete them! By the end of class they need to be neatly hung up on the wall in groups. Be ready for a critique tomorrow! Quarter 1 Sketchbook Assignments
** Please read your email. You need to print this out and attach to your sketchbook and complete the self evaluation for each assignment ![]() Create three self portrait drawings by Monday, September 24. Each drawing needs to show a STRONG emotion and different angle or point of view. Keep working on your drawings of the still life. Remember that you have three drawings due on Friday so plan your week and your drawings so that you balance your time!
1. Group Critique
Layout the sketchbook assignment that you chose to discuss. Gam will lead the critique today. Please make sure that you discuss the following: Content/ Subject Technical Qualities of the work Improvements Successful qualities of the work 2. Pick a subject for the next three drawings that relates to the work of art that you critiqued. Discuss with group. 3. Start sketches for these three drawings that will be due on Friday, September 14. My expectation is that you have three high quality drawings to critique by then. You may work on these in class and outside of class. As Drawing and Painting II students I expect you to come in, sit together and read the daily agenda. Since you are advance students who are in a class with Drawing and Painting I students I will talk to your group after the other groups starts and have an expectation that you are independent students who know my daily expectations.
Here are your instructions for today:
Drawing and