![]() Objective: Create a pencil and pen drawing of a paper sandwich bag that has a SURREAL element in or outside of the bag Steps: 1. Brainstorm and sketch ideas for the paper bag drawing and surreal element in the picture 2. Bring in any objects that might inspire you or appear in the drawing 3. Set- up the paper bag on the cardboard box and spotlight ( lighting can add drama, mood and atmosphere to you artwork) 4. Try crumpling, wrinkling and placing the paper bag or bags in a variety of ways 5. Sketch the bags and surreal elements in a variety of vertical and horizontal compositions 6. Critique the sketches and select the best composition 7. Create a drawing on the bristol board that utilizes the entire space Resources: Surreal Artists Salvador Dali Materials: Sketch paper 11"x 14" bristol board Graphite pencils 4H to 6B Pen Colored Pencils Eraser Objective:
Create an accurate drawing of a leaf or leaves using pencil to create a broad range of values and accurate forms. Process: Watch this slide show https://www.slideshare.net/rachelchayes/value-drawing Create a nine step value scale Sketch the leaf Render the values of the leaf The following is due on Monday, March 31
This quarter you created artwork of your own theme and selection. Please create a google presentation that includes the following: Your name Date High Quality photographs of your artwork that you created this quarter Titles, materials used and size of your artwork Artist statement and description of your work that you created this quarter Place this in the shared class folder labeled "Quarter 3 presentation" For your mid year exam you will create a exhibition of your artwork on one or two of the art display panels outside of the library.
The exhibit must contain all of the following:
You will hang the exhibition and will be graded on the quality of the work, layout and design of the exhibition. The exhibition must be completed by the end of the exam period. Grading Criteria: 25% Quality of artwork in exhibition 25% Layout and design of exhibition 25% Artist statement 25% Sign and labels ![]() You will create a proposal for the next work of art that you will create. You need to gather your ideas and inspirations and write up the following:
This statement is due on November 15. Please create in google docs and share with me and your other classmates. This artwork will be due on: December 2, 2013 "I have a magpie attitude to inspiration: I seek it from all sorts of sources; anything that allows me to think about how culture comes together. I'm always on the lookout – I observe people in the street; I watch films, I read, I think about the conversations that I have. I consider the gestures people use, or the colours they're wearing. It's about taking all the little everyday things and observing them with a critical eye; building up a scrapbook which you can draw on. Sometimes, too, I look at other artworks or films to get an idea of what not to do. It's very important for inspiration to go elsewhere: to move away from the city into pastoral settings, and to make space for meditation. I also enjoy talking to people who aren't involved in art. For my recent work, I've had a lot of conversations with people involved in digital technologies. It's useful to get perspective on what you do by talking to all sorts of different people. "Isaac Julien http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2012/jan/02/top-artists-creative-inspiration Assignment: Create an idea section of your sketchbook. Collect, gather, arrange and sketch ideas that inspire you. ![]() Check out this site http://artistsinspireartists.com/ Read these articles: 5 Unique Ways To Brainstorm Out of A Creative Rut - Lori McNee Artist http://www.finearttips.com/2010/03/how-to-bring-out-the-mona-lisa-in-your-own-artwork/ http://www.deskmag.com/en/the-art-of-brainstorming-549 http://painting.about.com/od/inspiration/ss/how-to-brainstorm-art-ideas_2.htm What do you think? Is this site " artist Inspire artists" helpful for generating ideas? Why or why not? What inspires you? What do you want to make art about? Did any of the articles help or give you ideas? Assignment: Write a minimum of a one page essay on what inspires you to make art. Please create in google docs and then share with me. Due Date: Friday, November 15 |
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