Objective: Create a pencil and pen drawing of a paper sandwich bag that has a SURREAL element in or outside of the bag Steps: 1. Brainstorm and sketch ideas for the paper bag drawing and surreal element in the picture 2. Bring in any objects that might inspire you or appear in the drawing 3. Set- up the paper bag on the cardboard box and spotlight ( lighting can add drama, mood and atmosphere to you artwork) 4. Try crumpling, wrinkling and placing the paper bag or bags in a variety of ways 5. Sketch the bags and surreal elements in a variety of vertical and horizontal compositions 6. Critique the sketches and select the best composition 7. Create a drawing on the bristol board that utilizes the entire space Resources: Surreal Artists Salvador Dali Materials: Sketch paper 11"x 14" bristol board Graphite pencils 4H to 6B Pen Colored Pencils Eraser Objective: Create a detailed graphite self portrait drawing in a reflective object that expresses you and an aspect of your personality. Instructions: Find an object that is reflective other than a mirror. This may be a metal iron, hubcap, fishbowl, coffee or teapot. The object should have SYMBOLISM- do not just select a random object from the closet- go home and search for something! In the object you will find your reflection. Your image will be distorted in someway. Show an emotion in the reflection. Create 3-5 sketches of various compositions. Select the strongest composition. Create the drawing on the high quality paper. Due Date: Friday, October 11 |
Drawing and