You will create your own architecture blog for this class. It will contain your written work, images of your work and portfolio for the class. You have already created many items that can be placed on your page. Steps: 1. Log in to the Weebly student account created for you. The info is in your email. 2. Familiarize yourself with weebly and the layout and features of the site. All instructions are here for setting up the sitehttp://help.education.weebly.com/build-your-first-site.html 3. Set up the blog. Select a design template that you think best illustrates that you are an art/architecture student 4. Download the iphone app 5. You will then go in and post the following:
* these writings are located in google docs. I shared them with you and you can go and grab the info ![]() 1. Check out the gallery of images from 123D by Autodesk http://www.123dapp.com/Gallery/ 2. Download these free apps from Auto Desk:http://www.123dapp.com/create 123D Design 123D Catch 123D Sculpt 123D Make https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/123d-design/id567821620?mt=8 Assignment:
You will be assigned an app to learn, review and create a 3D image utilizing the app. You will demonstrate to the class what you created and learned. Have fun- these are some amazing apps! List of apps assigned: 123D Design Sana Alexander Daniel Tyler 123D Catch Dominic Allison Tanaka Gabrielle Joshua 123D Sculpt Kelsey Jonathan Felicia Danae 123D Make Paul Ahmad Anjali Taylor Brian Due Date: Tuesday, December 4 ![]() It was great to read your statements about the musicians that you selected to create the room for ( if you have not yet filled in the google form please do so ASAP). Go back and read the assignment and make sure that you have completed all of the steps. I added a post about mood boards so read that too. You should be well into the assignment and steps. Thank you Alex who is the one student who completed the homework assignment prior to it's due date (nice job Alex!). So for the rest of you make sure that the homework is posted by tonight. You also have a photo assignment due next week so get to work on that! See you Thursday. Check out this great presentation....
http://prezi.com/f0pkehvckjie/isbcc-islamic-society-of-boston-and-cultural-center/ Steps:
1. Select another blog to follow from the previous list ( choose one that is very different from the other) 2. Read the blog post and submit the questions on the form "Architecture Blog" (see previous post) Due Date: Wednesday, Nov. 7 |
Introduction to Architecture
This full year course for grades 10-12 is an overview of architecture. Course ExpectationsArchives
March 2022