You are fortunate to live in the Boston area. A city highly regarded for it's architecture. I want you to go to Boston and visit a building that you like or want to know more about and research it. Read these two articles reviewing Boston Architecture: Objective: research and learn about a significant building in the Boston area Steps: After reading these reviews select a building to visit and use as the subject of your project. Visit the building Photograph the building from various angles Research the building- find out the following information: -Who was the Architect? -When was the building created? -What is the location of the building? -What is the function of the building? -What attributes, design or structural elements are unique to this building? Express your opinion: -What do you think of the building? -How does the building relate to the others surrounding it? -How does it fit or not fit the Boston skyline? Create a visual presentation of the information that you gathered: - visual presentation of the information gathered it may be a "poster" with pictures and information that you gathered, a video, prezi presentation or other. It needs to contains all of the information and pictures of the building that you gathered in a visually appealing, organized and an "aesthetically" pleasing manner. You will present these in class on: Monday, October 22 Please complete the following:
1. Turn in homework- there are still a few of you that owe work 2. Photograph your marble runs; supplies; tools; each other working and all of the sketches that your group generated. These should be high quality photographs. 3. Download the following apps: TED talks; BLURB; Video editor or other free app to make and edit movies; QR code scanner; and flipbook 4. Complete the form in previous post on the article that you were supposed to read this past weekend 5. Complete poster #2 tonight This week you worked on the marble run. You collaborated with others to begin your design, you made decisions together and started building. Some of the groups already have created a large marble run. Each group has already encountered challenges and failures. This is part of the design process. The design process for this assignment needs to be documented. You need to take photographs of the various stages and process that you group has already gone through. Photograph your sketches, materials and what you built this far. You will be creating a slide show, video or other documentation of your choice to show the process that your group went through to create the marble run. This can be created during or after the completion of the marble run. You need to organize and structure how you will document the process and what stages and steps you went through. Here are some samples of the " Design Process Steps and Stages " that you may want to include to help organize your presentation: This is an example of documentation- but NOT what I am looking for- hint: your documentation may include sketches but more sophisticated ones! Take card with the name of the famous Architectural structure. You will research this structure or building and create the following:
-11" x 14" poster with a large color image of the structure -On the back of the poster please put the following: the name of the structure or building, location, date created; architect or group who created it. This information must be typed. Double check spelling etc. ** This is an artistic poster that needs to be carefully assembled and presented to the entire class Due MONDAY Look at previous post " Wow- Paper Sculpture Inspiration" for homework. Visit all the links. What creations impressed you? Select one template, sculpture or technique that you would like to try at home for homework. You will create anything that you like that utilizes a flat piece of paper and becomes a three dimensional object, thing, building, structure, etc. Bring in a sculpture, object or building to class on Wednesday that used a new technique. You will be explaining and demonstrating the techniques you learned to the class. 1. Discussion: How do artists find solutions to problems?
2. Meet with your group from yesterday and review what techniques worked and didn't work 3. Read directions from previous post " Show me" download app and follow directions to create a video 4. Architecture Poster Homework- place your homework poster on the table for critique. Review all the posters. How many buildings do you recognize? How many can you name? Can you arrange them in historical order? Why are these buildings significant? 5. Turn in sketchbook cover design |
Introduction to Architecture
This full year course for grades 10-12 is an overview of architecture. Course ExpectationsArchives
March 2022