You are fortunate to live in the Boston area. A city highly regarded for it's architecture. I want you to go to Boston and visit a building that you like or want to know more about and research it. Read these two articles reviewing Boston Architecture: Objective: research and learn about a significant building in the Boston area Steps: After reading these reviews select a building to visit and use as the subject of your project. Visit the building Photograph the building from various angles Research the building- find out the following information: -Who was the Architect? -When was the building created? -What is the location of the building? -What is the function of the building? -What attributes, design or structural elements are unique to this building? Express your opinion: -What do you think of the building? -How does the building relate to the others surrounding it? -How does it fit or not fit the Boston skyline? Create a visual presentation of the information that you gathered: - visual presentation of the information gathered it may be a "poster" with pictures and information that you gathered, a video, prezi presentation or other. It needs to contains all of the information and pictures of the building that you gathered in a visually appealing, organized and an "aesthetically" pleasing manner. You will present these in class on: Monday, October 22 Comments are closed.
Introduction to Architecture
This full year course for grades 10-12 is an overview of architecture. Course ExpectationsArchives
March 2022