![]() 1. Check out the gallery of images from 123D by Autodesk http://www.123dapp.com/Gallery/ 2. Download these free apps from Auto Desk:http://www.123dapp.com/create 123D Design 123D Catch 123D Sculpt 123D Make https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/123d-design/id567821620?mt=8 Assignment:
You will be assigned an app to learn, review and create a 3D image utilizing the app. You will demonstrate to the class what you created and learned. Have fun- these are some amazing apps! List of apps assigned: 123D Design Sana Alexander Daniel Tyler 123D Catch Dominic Allison Tanaka Gabrielle Joshua 123D Sculpt Kelsey Jonathan Felicia Danae 123D Make Paul Ahmad Anjali Taylor Brian Due Date: Tuesday, December 4 Comments are closed.
Introduction to Architecture
This full year course for grades 10-12 is an overview of architecture. Course ExpectationsArchives
March 2022