Create a photograph of yourself interacting with ARCHITECTURE Steps: 1. Research examples of portraiture and architecture. Observe how artists have incorporated the two. Ask yourself " How can I create a unique and creative photograph of me interacting with architecture? What point of view, angles and perspective can I use to create a unique solution to this design problem? 2. Photograph interesting architectural spaces and places (preferably outside of school) that you see on a regular basis and some new places Notice how light affects these spaces, how do you interact or react in them- how do you function in these spaces? 3. Grab a friend and get them to take multiple photographs of YOU in these spaces and places. They maybe interior and exterior photos. Photograph your house, buildings you visit inside and out. Go interesting places- visit Boston- find architecture that excites you! 4. Use a photo app to digitally alter the picture, crop, enhance and alter to create a photo that represents YOU and Architecture 5. Select your strongest image and place it in the google classroom. folder. Be prepared to show this image in class during class critique Comments are closed.
Introduction to Architecture
This full year course for grades 10-12 is an overview of architecture. Course ExpectationsArchives
March 2022