Learn more about artist Roy Litchenstein here: One Dot at a Time Art Challenge: Create an expressive pop art piece that show emotion Process: Examine the work of Roy Litchenstein Brainstorm and sketch ideas for subject for your pop art piece, it maybe a self portrait, portrait of a friend or pop culture icon Plan your composition carefully Include a speech bubble and text Sketch image onto the white paper Select colors and decide which areas will be solid colors and which will be benday dots Paint the area of the pop art piece working from light to darker colors When all the paint has dried, paint the black lines. Be sure to vary the thickness of the lines Edit and make any improvements necessary Materials: Paper Tempera paint Brushes Dowels Pencils Rulers Water cups Paint palettes Evaluation: Did the student create pop art that shows emotion? Did the student demonstrate understanding of pop art? Did the student solve the art challenge in a unique way? Did the students attend to details and demonstrate high quality craftsmanship? Did the student use materials properly? Did the student use time efficiently? Please download this app tonight
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/aurasma/id432526396?mt=8 Check out these tutorials: http://www.twoguysandsomeipads.com/p/aurasma-tutorials.html http://www.aurasma.com/#/whats-your-aura Assignment: Create an Aurasma video of you discussing your artwork that is in the art exhibition. Steps: Set up an Aurasama account Create a script and plan out what you would like to say about your artwork You need to highlight the following information in your video: Your name What class you are in The title of your artwork The objective of the assignment Materials that you used to create your artwork Successful attributes of the artwork Any other explanation or ideas You created surreal ceramic houses after studying the artists and architects M,C. Escher, Antoni Gaudi, Frank Gehry and Dr. Suess. Now the clay was fired in the kiln you are ready to paint the sculpture. For this process you will use acrylic paint. You will use the rub and buff techniques to apply the paint. Here are some examples:
Studio ArtThis is full year foundation course that will aid in your understanding and creating a wide variety of 2-D and 3-D artwork.
Course ExpectationsWeekly