Create a scratchboard drawing of one of the facial feature drawings of a classmate that shows who they are Steps: 1. Learn how to use the scratchboard tools to create multiple values and shapes 2. Select strongest drawing from previous assignment to use as the subject 3. Create a composition that activates the entire space 4. Lightly sketch drawing on scratchboard 5. Scratch away areas that you want to remain white and light values 6. Utilize a variety of scratch tools 7. Create a drawing of the facial feature that highlights the form and values Objective:
Use pencil to create FIVE drawings each of eyes, mouths, noses and ears Steps: Watch tutorial videos of drawing facial features Ask a classmate to model for you Draw FIVE facial features on each page in your sketchbook Use pencil to add values to the drawings Check and edit the drawings Learn more about Varini here:
http://www.gwarlingo.com/2012/optical-illusions-of-felice-varini/ Felice Varini Due Date: Friday, May 12
Objective: Create a high quality photograph that demonstrates FORCED PERSPECTIVE and includes at least one person or animal Process: Understand perspective and how to create forced perspective Generate original ideas Take photographs of spaces and places Take photographs of people and or animals Edit photographs using a photo editing app Gather most convincing and original photograph and turn in in google classroom Evaluation: Quality of photograph Originality of idea Photograph contains person or animal Wow factor |
Studio ArtThis is full year foundation course that will aid in your understanding and creating a wide variety of 2-D and 3-D artwork.
Course ExpectationsWeekly