Please create a collage in a grid format of 8-10 images of her work.
Please research and learn about the life and work of artist Louise Nevelson and answer the following questions: When and where was the artist born? What type of art did she create? Where did she get her materials to create her art? What colors did she use in her art and why? Select one of her works of art and place it into your document. List the title, date it was created and the materials used to create it. Describe the shapes, forms and colors in the detail. Give your opinion about this work of art and explain why. We examined the photo collages of artist David Hockney but he has also created many other works. Please research this living artist and create a collage of 8-10 of his works. Be sure to double check your source to confirm that it is his artwork.
Please answer the following questions about the artist. When and where was the artist born? What materials does the artist use to create his art? What subjects are depicted in his art? How does the David Hockney use the ipad to create his art? Pick one work of art by David Hockney from his website. Write the title, materials used and the size of the artwork and then describe the artwork in detail. Give your opinion about his artwork. Explain why you feel this way? What do you think of his art? Art Challenge: Create a photo collage that shows an action and a moment in time. Process: -Examine the work of artist David Hockney -Set up your ipad with a collage app ( many students like pic collage, but you may find another that you like better) -Take multiple photographs of an action or moment in time that you want to capture. You will need lots of photos and a panoramic view of the scene - collage the photos together in a "organic' and overlapping composition or in a grid. Experiment with multiple compositions -select the strongest composition that shows an action or moment in time Grading Criteria:
Poster Design- Community Involves You You need to select your strongest idea from your sketches and create a full page design in color. Before you begin ask yourself the following questions: Is the theme of the poster clear? What is unique and different about my poster? What is original about my poster? How can I fill the entire page with pattern and or color? What will be the best materials for completing my work? You may use your ipad to create the artwork or another medium of your choice. This was the winning poster design from last year.
Joey used his ipad to create this work of art. He used multiple layers and different apps to create the poster for the theme " Speak Up". Hello,
Sorry that I am not with you today. I hope that you have completed your "Balance" artwork and remembered to turn it in. If it is still on the drying rack please find it, write your name on the back and place it into the completed work bin. You should have read the next assignment by now and watched the video and examined the posters and should be starting to brainstorm or discuss your ideas and work on the creation of your project. Please feel free to email me ideas and sketches and I will gladly respond. But don't forget, you are each others best resource, so critique each others ideas, offer suggestions and get lots of work completed as I am eager to see what you started. I am not expecting you to complete the whole assignment but you should be well on your way by the end of the period. Also, your sketchbooks are due on Wednesday. 1. Complete your "Balance Drawing" and turn in the completed work bin
2. Read and make sure that you understand and start the homework assignment that is due on Wednesday 3. Read the previous blog post " How will you honor Mandela in your art?" and start the assignment Art Challenge: Honor Nelson Mandela through the creation of a work of art Process: Educate yourself about the life of Nelson Mandela by watching the video and reading the blog post on the homepage and the links attached Read this passage these posters that show Mandela's struggle: Use your ipad to gather quotes and images that represent and document the his life. Create: Using your ipad and an app that uses collage, drawing and painting or text create a work of art that honors Mandela's life. It may be a collage, a painting, a video, slideshow, it is up to you. It may contain photographs, quotes, text and your drawings. Evaluation: How did you honor Nelson Mandela in your art? What is unique and special about your wrk of art? What makes your artwork different from your classmates? SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENT: DUE DECEMBER 11
Develop at least 3 small sketches of your ideas for the CommUnity Involves You 2014 Poster Contest. Think outside the box; create an original and unique idea. Use words and images to express your idea. Focus on a clear messagethat will attract viewers' attention. See below for full details on the contest! CommUnity Involves You 2014 Poster Contest The Middlesex District Attorney’s Office and Middlesex Partnerships for Youth, Inc. invite high school and middle school students to create their own poster promoting the importance of being involved in the school and community. The goal of the 2013-2014 Poster Project is for students to develop original posters to highlight the community aspect of school and the various opportunities available to students. These messages will communicate a direct, positive voice to other teens, in an effort to demonstrate to students that they are valued and that their involvement matters. Possible topics for the posters include: - Ways for students to get involved in their school and community - Healthy relationships that can form within the community - How involvement in the school and community builds opportunities - Positive impacts students can have on the school and community |
Studio ArtThis is full year foundation course that will aid in your understanding and creating a wide variety of 2-D and 3-D artwork.
Course ExpectationsWeekly