Design is the prerequisite for most studio art courses. Its focus is on the elements and principles of design, the means by which artists organize their imagery to produce strong visual impact. Students will explore a variety of art materials, many diverse art techniques and approaches as ways of communicating their ideas. Students will develop their technical skills and their art vocabulary, their sense of aesthetics and color theory. Projects will include drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, and mixed media, with emphasis on critical thinking, craftsmanship, and presentation of artwork. Students are required to keep a personal sketchbook and study specific artists, cultures, and art historical movements. Critical thinking, creativity, craftsmanship, personal effort, and sketchbook/homework assignments are all included in the grading process. In order to succeed in this class, students must meet the required criteria given for all the assignments, be prepared to question and critique their own work as well as the work of other artists and approach each art process with an open mind and a positive attitude. Comments are closed.
Studio ArtThis is full year foundation course that will aid in your understanding and creating a wide variety of 2-D and 3-D artwork.
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