If you were not able to join us on our trip to the museum please complete the following:
Go the site mfa.org Visit the Contemporary Gallery, The Americas Gallery and a gallery of your choice Select three pieces of art to examine closely Place these images and information about the work in a google doc or evernote Answer some or all of the following questions: -What interests you about this work of art? -When, where and why was this work of art created? -How does the work of art make you feel? -Does the work of art remind you of anything? -Do you like this work of art? Why or why not? Please place this in the shared folder " MFA Art Review" Today is a non-painting day. Please read the following assignments and complete them for Thursday. 1. Read all of the "color field painting" assignment. Be familiar with the terms, description and artists. 2. Read the next two painting assignments and make sure that you understand objectives for both. Define the following terms and find an example of each type of printmaking ( an image). Clearly label each one. Be sure to site the source and credit the artist. Etching/ Intaglio Monotype Lithograph Silkscreen Collagraph Carborundum Woodcut Silkscreen |
Drawing and Painting