Today you need to complete the following: 1. The " To Do List" from the last week 2. Sketches for the artwork in response to the Japanese American Internment Camps 3. Remember to bring in your sketchbooks on Tuesday Objective:
Create a work of art is a response to the guest speaker David Sakura. It may depict something that you learned from the talk, a quote, imagines from the Japanese American Internment Camp or your personal response to the history and what happened. Materials: 9" x 12" paper Graphite Paint Craypas Evaluation: You did you as an artist respond to hearing and learning about history? How did you depict some information from the talk, or your personal response? Please complete the following:
1. Upload your " Still Life Critique" into the shared class folder 2. Complete the previous post assignment on " Art from Japanese American Internment Camps" 3. Create a photo album on your ipad for this class 4. Photograph your still life and other assignments that you feel were successful. Please make sure that these are high quality photographs that highlight and feature your work. 5. Submit artwork for the Collab art contest (see home page for link) Please complete this work by Friday, November 22 As a group today we will create a presentation of artwork that depicts the experience of the Japanese- American Internment Camps.
You will need to gather the following and then place it into the group presentation:
Describe the artwork in detail, include subject, materials used, etc. Analyze the work of art Interpret the work of art Evaluate the work **Refer to the 4 Steps to Critique Art to complete this section Please create this in a google doc on a LANDSCAPE page and place into the shared folder in google drive |
Drawing and Painting