Please complete the following drawings: Blind Contour drawing of your hand on tan 8.5" x 11" paper using sharpie marker Blind Contour drawing on 11" x 17" kraft paper of the cans using black sharpie marker Contour Drawing on 11" x 17" kraft paper of the cans using black sharpie marker
Today you will practice drawing facial features. You will receive a " Portrait Pack" that contains blank faces, sketches of eyes, noses, and mouths. This is a practice pack. You will complete as many faces as you can with different eyes, noses and mouths. Have fun, experiment and try different shapes and facial features. Keep in mind the proportions of the face and the placement and size of the facial features that you add to the blank faces.
![]() Value
Today you will add values to your endless landscape drawings. We must decide as a group where the sunlight will be and where the shadows will be. You must create 10 different values using pencil. Use a variety of marks to create the different values. Compare your values to your classmates. By the end of class there should be a complete landscape drawing on the wall. ![]() Ready, Set, Go A major part of this course is maintaining a sketchbook. You will have weekly assignments to help you build your sketchbook and develop it as an expression of you and your artwork. This weekend I want you to complete two tasks: 1. Mend, alter, edit and correct your sketchbook cover. It must be a functional cover ( many fell off last year) and contain the following: -a picture or drawing of you, -three symbols that represent you -it must contain your name. You have the challenge of combining these elements to make an artistic piece that you will have as your cover for the entire year! You may use any materials you want. 2. Set up an area in your house to create art. Gather supplies around your house and create an art bin or box with supplies for creating art. This way every time you have an assignment you won't have to waste time running around for supplies. Take a digital picture of this space and supply box and be prepared to show on your ipad on Monday. Art Challenge
Create an endless landscape that shows value, space, and depth. Work with classmates to create a functional "endless" landscape using graphite. Concepts/ Vocabulary: Value Space Depth Foreground, Middle-ground and Background Horizon Line Materials: Paper, Rulers, Pencils, Erasers Timeline 2 days Evaluation Ability to create value, space, depth Ability to create an endless landscape Level of participation with classmates Level of unique characteristics of landscape In class you were asked to write on a post it "Art Is" and place it on the wall in our art room. There is now a great BIG collection of post it notes from 105 students. It is great to see what you wrote.
Your next art challenge is to re-write someones post -it note on a color chip or paint sample in a way that uses TYPOGRAPHY to express the statement. Below is an example of how typography, color and form can recreate a poster. Read about the project by artist Kenji Nakayama and Christopher Hope. |
Drawing and Painting