You may choose from the following two assignments to complete your blizzard bag work:
1. Art Museum Visit- complete the following google form: Art Museum Visit 2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Assignment Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Project Description: Rework your homework assignments from this year. Re-work a past sketchbook assignment based on the feedback from class critiques and from my sticky-note comments, as well as on the highest quality work you’ve viewed during critiques of class projects. You will be graded on the degree of improvement in the areas listed below. Grade Weight: Equal to one weekly homework assignment Objective: Review, refine, edit and improve past assignment to show growth and development Improve the following:
Begin with the piece with which you are least satisfied, or on which you received your lowest grade. Bring that to a level of completion that demonstrates growth and improvement. Time: 90 minutes of work on assignment Due Date: June 1 We will be starting our new painting unit and guest artist residency on Wednesday. You must complete the following before Wednesday:
1. Complete the creativity self assessment 2. Clean your easel and paint stand 3. Set up easel and stand to the correct height 4. Paint a canvas neutral gray 5. Set -up paint box with palette paper and tape with your name on it 6. Get a set of oil paints 7. Get brushes and palette knives and place tape on it with your name To prepare for our guest artist coming next week you will need to research and study landscape painters. Complete the following assignment and place into google classroom. Have fun and enjoy searching for artists!
Objective: Create multiple collages of landscape painters for the collection at MOMA Assignment: 1. Go to the MOMA website and search under "Paintings" and then "Landscape" 2. Collect five images from the artist 3. Create a collage using pic collage or app of your choice of the artists work 4. Include the name of the artist and five images by the artist in the collage 5. Complete at least three collages 6. Place collages in google classroom
Assignment: 1. Select one of the artists that you did not know 2. Using pic collage or other app of your choice, create a collage of 8-10 of the artist's paintings 3. Complete the Google Form below Due Date: Tuesday, April 7 |
Drawing and Painting