Pick one of the following assignments:
-Timeline of your life- it does not have to be a straight line! OR Draw your self a year from now. Where will you be? What will you be doing? Focus on illustrating and ACTION and a Narrative SCENE. The sketchbook assignment should take 4-6 hours. Sketch ideas first and select the strongest composition. It should be a high quality work of art. Food has long been the subject matter for many artists. Check out these articles and groups of famous food paintings:
http://flavorwire.com/330516/the-greatest-food-still-lifes-in-art-history/9 Ten Famous Food Paintings http://blogs.browardpalmbeach.com/cleanplatecharlie/2011/03/famous_food_paintings.php Check out the realistic food art created by 25 Mega Realistic Oil Paintings by Dutch Artist Tjalf Sparnaay Artist Pamela Johnson creates large scale food paintings. Check out her work here: http://pamelamichellejohnson.com/series_1.htm Art Challenge: Create a painting of food that demonstrates your love or dislike for that food using oil paints. Objectives: •Apply oil painting techniques •Exercise your inventiveness in showcasing the subject matter -Create a composition that actively engages the space with still life subjects Process:
Grading Criteria: 25% Inventiveness 25% Visual Impact - Strength of Painting 25% Expressiveness 25% Craftsmanship/Technique |
Drawing and Painting