If You Were A Flower What Flower Would You Be?
Due Date: Monday, November 14Assignment: Create a drawing or painting in your sketchbook that reflects the poem by another BHS student.
Steps: 1. Select a poem written by another BHS student. 2. Read and understand the poem. 3. Create at least 4 sketches of different ideas 4. Critique and discuss your ideas with the teacher, classmates, friends and even on social media 5. Assess which idea is the most unique and communicates the ideas 6. Draw the sketch on a large full sheet of paper 7. Check composition and space of the sketch and make changes and edits 8. Add values with color or media of choice 9. Edit and make improvements to the art prior to turning in the assignment 10. The assignment should take 2-3 hours of time. You should break up that time. Evaluation: 1. Concept and Idea 2. Level of Effort 3. Selection and use of media |
Drawing and Painting