Today you will examine the work of artists who created still life drawings and paintings.
Read this document on the 4 Steps to Critique Works of Art You will need to describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate the still life drawings and paintings of these artists. Please complete all work on the ipad in Evernote or other app that allows you to combine writing and images. Exam the work of following artists: Jan Brueghel the Elder Vincent Van Gogh Paul Cezzane GIORGIO MORANDI Henri Matisse Fernand Leger Wayne Theibaud Janet Fish Select two works of art and place into a document and write the following on each work of art: Name the artist Name the work of art Describe the artwork in detail, include subject, materials used, etc. Analyze the work of art Interpret the work of art Evaluate the work **Refer to the 4 Steps to Critique Art to complete this section Please proof read you work and save into a folder labeled Drawing and Painting Comments are closed.
Drawing and Painting